1. 投資人類別investor types
  2. 價格叢聚price clustering
  3. 規模叢聚scale clustering
  4. 整數價格round price
  5. 整數規模round scale
  6. 交易績效trading performance
  7. 臺灣股票市場Taiwan stock market
  8. 偶數價格even number prices
  9. 奇數價格odd number prices
  10. 低價股penny share/penny stock
  11. 升降單位tick/tick size
  12. 異常頻率irregularity frequency
  13. 法人corporation
  14. 自然人natural person
  15. 買單buy orders
  16. 賣單sell orders
  17. 議價假說bargaining hypothesis
  18. 價格決定假說price resolution hypothesis
  19. 季末假說end-of-quarter hypothesis
  20. 機構投資人institutional investors
  21. 委託單order form
  22. 私有訊息private information
  23. 市場現狀market status
  24. 集中交易場所centralized securities exchange market
  25. 集合競價auction system/call auction
  26. 人工結算交割manual clearing and settlement
  27. 價格優先price priority
  28. 時間優先time priority
  29. 投資工具investment vehicles
  30. 投資標的investment target
  31. 漲跌幅限制 limit up or down
  32. 金融監督管理委員Financial Supervisory Commission
  33. 資產定價capital asset pricing
  34. 外匯現貨市場foreign exchange spot market
  35. 認知處理成本cognitive processing costs
  36. 造市者 market makers
  37. 委託單驅動市場order form-driven markets
  38. 共謀假說collusion hypothesis
  39. 吸引假設attraction hypothesis
  40. 價格級距price range
  41. 有限記憶limited memory
  42. 整數round number
  43. 買賣價差bid and offer spread
  44. 不連續價格discrete price
  45. 非整數規模nonintegral scale
  46. 拆單行為 order splitting
  47. 標的資產Underlying Assets
  48. 議價成本costs of bargaining
  49. 交易價格trading price
  50. 巨額交易block trades
  51. 零股交易odd lot trading
  52. 盤後交易after-hours dealing
  53. 市場結構market structure
  54. 價格級距price range
  55. 紐交所New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
  56. 納斯達克National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ)
  57. 香港證券交易所Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKSE)
  58. 吉隆玻交易所Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE)
  59. 隱藏性交易Implicit trading
  60. 認知處理成本the cost of cognitive processing
  61. 市場深度market depth
  62. 台積電Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC)
  63. 虛擬變數dummy variable
  64. 控制因素control factor
  65. 解釋變數explanatory factor
  66. 敘述統計descriptive statistics
  67. 標準差standard deviation
  68. 交乘項cross-multiplying terms
  69. 漲停limit-up
  70. 跌停limit-down
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